
How my works relate to my life experiences is on the path of my exploration of myself. I label myself as being bi-sexual, but that wasnt overnight. Through my college years I have developed and accepted that I like to be present around men and women. Thus gaining inspiration to make the works I have been. I feel as if there is a low standard to the education of sex. I find myself talking about certain subjects with my peers and friends that seem to be not as informed as I would be. I want to provide a space of acceptance through my pieces and welcome the exploration of development

The reason why I create the pieces I do talks about the complexity that is a relationship with another human being. The “Alien” type noodle people represent the never ending affection that a person can carry but at the beginning they were a stranger in your life. With the current dating landscape of “Hook-Up” culture, I want to highlight the importance of being knowledgeable about the mental and sometimes physical harm it could create.

Artist Statement

My work delves into the intersection of passion and imagination, exploring the fluid boundaries between that of sex and nutriment. Each piece is meant to serve as a window of opportunity to learn more about the importance of sex education. By transforming my feelings into a soft sculpture is to simulate the reality of a person.

     I strive to create works that resonate to being tangible and intangible. I dialogue to reflect back on at a later timeframe. Specializing in polyfill and satin fabrics, I seek to establish a conversation of safety and to not make the object or subject of sex to be as taboo as it is. My creations are to the testament of comfortability and the fragility of feeling.